A turn for the worse
So we had some unexpected setbacks here. I’ve had to put my plans on hold due to some personal and family issues. Nursing a sick dog and much more that I’d rather not get into because it’s a bit personal.
Everything happens for a reason, I’m now having to take care of the entire household which has had me going from 5a to 9p… hardly any time for any work to be done. I have to take care of virtually everything. It’s not something that I’m complaining about, but starting my own business has become impossible at this point. I can’t get things going the way they need to be and of course things have to be canceled.
I’m still in active development and I have a lot of work that I catch up on while I have a short break in my responsibilities. I am just working working working. Training myself for web development has proven to be quite the task.
I stay busy. It’s led to a boost in my health and general well being so I highly recommend it. There has been some major developments and I feel better. Things change all the time and for the better.
Hopefully I’ll have the time soon to get back into my previous mode. That’s why the site isn’t what it needs to be at the time. I am just way to busy to dedicate the proper attention required.
I’ve learned a lot and the demand just isn’t what it needs to be. I’ve been number one on the search results for web development and computer repair and the traffic just isn’t what one would expect. It’s like that with a lot of online stuff. They just aren’t what one would expect. Without spending a small fortune on advertising, spam emails, and traffic generation one cannot drive traffic naturally. People just don’t surf the web like they used to. It’s mostly checking Facebook and ignoring ads. Most people read the news and that’s it.
There are a lot of claims but these tend to be driven in from robots or traffic generators. I just don’t have the time or the funds required to do ALL of it. A lot of the previous customers I’ve had were just terrible to say the least. I do not want the kind of customers that organic traffic has brought to me so far. They’ve been mostly scammers and insane people who probably found my site in the twilight hours after they’ve been up all night or something crazy.
Surprisingly enough, I don’t get that many spam calls or emails as one would expect. When I do, however, these are all at once from several different numbers leading me to believe they are by the same person or people. They tend to be 3 or 4 and during the day some time. They all have the same theme to them so it’s very weird. I’m just glad I haven’t had to deal with a lot of it.
I hope to have more soon. Maybe some better news to share.
Thanks for reading!
Check out my other site, sllog, (Stephen Littleton’s LOGbook), sllog.StephenLittleton.com for some ramblings, neat posts, and some of my other projects.